The target that we set ourselves was to make people stay longer and encourage them to interact with their surroundings by participating in activities that had no primary relation with the basic use of this particular public space – the bathrooms.
One of the main design creterias that led us through the process was its simplicity.
The culture and history associated with this space forced us to be extremely careful while adjusting to the space. In addition, we had to be very friendly to ensure that people felt comfortable with our objects. We wanted our objects to become part of the space but at the same time they had to be unusual enough to be noticed. We decided to focus on interaction through messages - that seemed to be a “safe” activity in such a place.
We wanted to create an activity that would encourage and reward the user – the success in completing even a part of a crossword is a reward that creates positive outcome within the user.
The decision to use magnetic letters was made on purpose to allow our users to participate easily. The questions that we choose to use were a mix of different knowledge areas to expand our target user as much as possible.
We placed the board periodicly in both bathrooms. As a result, we had great responses, people did stay longer in the bathrooms, and words were filled out. The easy questions were answered first and then some of the other were attempted. In the men’s bathrooms we got some creative additional words on the board.
We were very pleased with the final results of our project, we succeeded in making people stay longer in a space that they are usually uncomfortable in and try to escape as soon as possible, we also made them interact within the space and even with each other.
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